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The Ravishing Rho Kappa Chapter

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Ravishing Rho Kappa Chapter was Chartered on the

campus of The Florida State University on January 8, 1981, by three women: Regina

Richardson, Sandra Green, and Maureen Brown. These ravishing women had the passion,

strength, and determination to depart from the norm on the campus and blazed a new path that

led to Zetaland. Since that moment the campus has never been the same.


Following the same principles of Zeta Phi Beta, Sorority Incorporated: Scholarship, Service,

Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood, the work Rho Kappa has done on campus and within 

The Tallahassee Community is extremely important.


Since its Chartering, Rho Kappa has set a high standard for young collegiate women. The

Chapter has won numerous awards such as, highest GPA amongst all NPHC, NPHC Chapter of

the Year, Community Service Excellence, Leadership Excellence, NPHC Woman of the Year,

Sisterhood Excellence and won 1st place Sorority in NPHC Extrav Step Show and Stroll Off.

The Rho Kappa Chapter is also known for its charitable community service initiatives such as

FSU Relay for Life, Breast Cancer Walk, March of Dimes fundraiser, Adopt A school, Adopt A

Street Cleanup, CARE Move-In, on campus tutoring and much more.

Rho Kappa is advised by the local Graduate Chapter Alpha Upsilon Zeta.

"Give to the world the best you have."

- Arizona Cleaver Stemmons

Our Mission
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