Youth Auxiliaries

The mission of the Youth Clubs of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is to provide a carefully designed program of activities that will enhance youth club members through mind, body, and spirit as they work within their various communities to serve and help others.
Pearlettes are precious pre-school and elementary age young ladies (age 4 – 8) who want to emulate Zeta’s ideals of community service, friendliness to others and Finer Womanhood. Through various programs sponsored by our chapter, Pearlettes gain greater self-esteem, lasting friendships, cultural enhancement and learn how to get along with others. The program provides activities, which present opportunities to:
Share ideas
Feel good about yourself
Learn the importance of responsibility
Learn communication skills
Amicettes are Junior high/middle school age young ladies (age 9 -13) who desire to emulate Zeta’s ideals. Through various programs sponsored by our chapter, Amicettes are given opportunities to learn about themselves, help others and internalize qualities that will make them good students and community citizens. The program provides activities that present opportunities to:
Encourage each member to believe in herself
Develop new ideas and interests
Develop an awareness of the need to share responsibilities and to understand one another in order to achieve a common goal
Enhance goal setting, leadership, communication skills, and interest in science, technology and math
Archonettes are High school age young ladies (age 14 -18) who desire to emulate Zeta’s ideals of community service, scholastic achievement, friendliness to others and Finer Womanhood. Through various programs sponsored by our chapter, Archonettes gain greater self-esteem, lasting friendships, cultural enhancement and leadership skills. The program provides opportunities for the young ladies to:
Excel as individuals
Accept personal responsibility and become aware of the need to share responsibilities
Develop new and varied interests
Collaborate with others to achieve a common goal
Make responsible decisions
Increase intrapersonal and social confidence
Relate to peers, parents and adults in general

From Little Girls to Zeta Pearls
Our Mission
The mission of the Youth Clubs of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is to provide a carefully designed program of activities that will enhance youth club members through mind, body, and spirit as they work within their various communities to serve and help others

Our Vision
“Zeta Youth with Dreams become Zeta Women with Vision.” The Zeta Youth are the future to a bigger and brighter tomorrow. Our role as members of this outstanding sorority is to guide, mentor, and mold our youth to ensure our organizational growth and development.